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The resources on this page have been compiled to provide you with comprehensive information about 2SLGBTQ+ organizations, publications, cultural resources that you may find useful in connecting with local and international communities. Click the different tabs to view different categories.

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211 Alberta

General resource and referral line. To access, you can call 2-1-1, text INFO to 211, or chat online at their website.

Affirming Connections

Supports and enhances the positive voices of people of faith, ministries, and organizations who work to eliminate religious discrimination and to provide safe and brave spaces for people to explore their spirituality, without any fear of exclusion.

Calgary Pride

Non-profit organization that exists to promote equality and celebrate Calgary’s diversity, and organizes annual Pride Parade + festivities.

Centre for Newcomers

Offers collaborative support services and provides training opportunities for people who are new to Canada. Their LGBTQ+ Newcomers Service is a comprehensive resource for gender and sexually diverse permanent residents, asylum or refugee seekers, or folks under any other status.

Centre for Sexuality

Offers a variety of 2SLGBTQ+ supports and services including but not limited to: GSA resources, men’s health initiatives, and a summer camp for queer youth. They provide comprehensive and inclusive sexual health information through their training centre, and professional counselling services that specialize in sexuality and sexual health.

Edmonton 2 Spirit Society

Provides social, health, and cultural programs and services primarily for 2 Spirit, IndigiQueer and Indigenous LGBTQIA+ communities.

End of the Rainbow Foundation

Provides a number of services for refugees and newcomers: the Calgary LGBTQ+ Refugee Centre; the Calgary Rainbow Railroad Station, settling SOGIESC refugees from outside Canada; and a variety of volunteer run support groups and mentor services.

Foria Clinic

Get access to expert gender-affirming care & hormone therapy from the comfort of your home. Foria offers virtual appointments to get access to HRT. For more information on how their assessment process works, and to book a consult, visit their website.


Guided by Indigenous teachings, Miskanawah offers evidence-informed, supportive services to people in the Calgary area as they strengthen their circles of self, family, community, and culture. Hosts the Diamond Willow Youth Lodge program.

Pride At Work Canada

Through dialogue, education and thought leadership, Pride at Work Canada empowers employers to foster workplace cultures that recognize LGBTQ2+ employees as an important part of a diverse and effective workforce.

REFUGE Restrooms

An online tool to assist you in finding inclusive and safe washrooms.


SORCe (Safe Communities Opportunity & Resource Centre) is a multi-agency collaborative that connects people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, to programs and services that can help to address the barriers to stable housing.


Organization that is women-driven and evolutionary in its approach to breaking the cycle of domestic violence. Sagesse is a trans-inclusive space for all women.

Skipping Stone Foundation

Provides support, resources, and referrals to the trans and gender creative community.

Stardale Women's Group

Offers programs and services to Indigenous young women and girls in overcoming systemic barriers.


Trans Equality Society of Alberta engages in advocacy and education in three primary areas: government, outreach, and community development.

The Alex

Non-profit health and social services organization that has provides integrated and accessible supports and thoughtful, comprehensive care to Calgarians. With a full complement of health, housing, and community programs, the Alex is a hub of supports and outreach services for people who are experiencing poverty, trauma, social isolation, or health challenges including addiction.

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